Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014

Palefaces at the stake freed by Indian squaw

German tenderfoot Georg Fesselmann is a poet who is traveling in the Wild West. With two befriended ranch women, who he has get to know during a stage coach robbery which they've suffered together, he has taken a long hack. On this ride they've come to close to the Indian's territory and they have been captured by a bunch of Indian warriors. As the unarmed palefaces have surrendered very cowardly without doing any resistance and begging desperately to spare them the Indians have decided that they are unworthy for being martyred by real warriors. So the Indians have decided to bind the wimpy palefaces just at the stake in the middle of the Indian's camp and let them slowly parch by thirst. The tenderfoot and the befriended ranch women have already spent two hot days and two cold nights tightly bound at the stake and suffer a thirst beyond imagination. Now it's they third night the palesfaces have spend at the stake an they only pray that their ordeal may have an end. But then, in the middle of the night, one of the Indian squaws has mercy on the unfortunate palefaces and comes to cut them loose...

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