Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015

The revenge of the Indian squaw

The whole tribe of proud Indian chief's daughter Fire Spirit has been forced to leave their own land and to go into an infertile and sparse reservation. Fire Spirit is not willing to accept the humiliation of her tribe and so she flees from the reservation back to the land which some years ago was the home of her people. And she has wowed that she will capture some of the paleface who have robbed the land of her people and that they shall atone for their crimes tightly bound at the stake. Unfortunate ranch woman Helmina Christ who owns a piece of land which once belonged to Fire Spirit's tribe is one of the first palefaces who falls into the hands of the revengeful Indian squaw...

But to her surprise Helmina comes to know that she is not the first paleface which has fallen into the clutches of revengeful Indian chief's daughter Fire Spirit. She is bound to a tree next to handsome but wimpy tenderfoot Henry George who has been captured by the squaw some time before and has already spend some tantaltising hours tightly bound at the stake. The ranch woman is forced to join her smart fellow prisoner in tight bondage and their captor tells them that she will head off to capture some other palefaces and then all of them shall expiate the crimes committed to the Indians in a long-lasting and haungting martyrdom...

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