Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Two cowgirls taken by surprise

Ranch woman Christina Goodfellow has been a powerless witness during a bank robbery comitted by a female outlaw. She has recognized the voice of the same bandit who has assaullted her some days before in her ranch housed and has tied up and gagged her together with some of her hands. Sheriff Daggy Henderson is suspecting is suspecting female outlaw Lucy Roper to be the robber and asks Christina to come with her to Lucy's presumed hideout in the low hills to identify her. But Lucy is to clever for the Sheriff and the inoffensive ranch womean. Soon they are at gunpoint. They have to raise up their hands and Christina is forced to unarm the powerless Daggy. With their hands reaching for the sky the two overpowerd cowgirls are awaiting their fate...
"Please, don't shot, we'll do whatever you tell us to do."
"Don't worry, ranch woman, I won't waste a bullet for pussies like you. You'll first truss up the Sheriff and then it'll bey your turn.
 You'll be my little playthings during the whole night, hahaha!"

Ranch woman Christina Goodfellow and female Sheriff Daggy Henderson are tracing bank robber lady Lucy Roper. But soon they are trapped and taken by surprise by the astute female outlaw. Daggy has to drop her gun and the unarmed and completely inoffensive Christina is forced to tie up the now completely powerless Sheriff.

"Make it tight, ranch woman. No funny business. I'll check the knots"
"Oh, Daggy, I'm...I'm so sorry....I..."
"Don't worry Christina, do just as she says. We've no choice. She's got the upperhand...we just have to obey...!
"Haha. The proud Sherif all stiffy scared. Can't believe that they've send such a wimpy pussy to catch me. We'll have a lot of fun, hahaha".

Overpowered female Sheriff Daggy Henderson being tightly bound and completely powerless, frightened and humiliated, ranch woman Christina Goodfellow is the next one to suffer tight bondage. The ropes cut deep into her soft and tender flesh...
"There we go once again, ranch woman. Didn't expect to see you so soon again. Remember what I did last time with you, hahaha. Seems that you horny cuzzy enjoyed it so much that you rushed to fall into my clutches again, hahahe. Oh, be sure, we'll have even more fun this time, hahahe."
"Spare your mockery, for sure you'll end up in jail in due time. You won't get away with your crimes...There's a God in heaven and His Divine Justice is impeccable"
"Hahaha, spare your sermon, ranch woman, we will see if your Lord is able to save you after I'm through with you two. Hahaha"

Some hours later... During the whole night the two helpless cowgirls have been the powerless playthings of their sadistic female captor. They have been fondled, molested, aroused,  insulted and humiliated for hours and hours by the female criminial and have experienced a weird misture of complete surrender, submission, shame, humiliation and at the same time unbelievable lust and pleasure which they are forced to experience against their very will...
Then they have been left behind, trussed up like a sausage in the rocky remote area, far away from every human being, the hot noon sun is burning down on the distressed cowgirls, they are thirsty and exhausted beyond belief and to make their torture even more unbearable the sadistic female robber has put on a rock next to them, and they can't reach due to their tight bondage...
Again and again they have cried for help, but nobody has heard them and has come to their rescue...
"Oh Christina. I can't stand it any more, I'm so thirsty, Oh Jesus, I don't want to end up like this, Oh my God, Help! Help! Help!
"Calm down, Daggy, please. Thanks God, we we're still alive, even after all, she's done to us, I'm sure, they're searching for us, my my foreman George, he he'll find us, I'm sure they'll find us, just don't give up, Sheriff, ...please don't give up...

And so, even in their most complete bondage distress, the two brave cowgirls don't loose love, hope and faith...

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